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Bon Voyage

Bon Voyage /
Boutique Hotels for the Conscious Traveler

Autor: Robert Klanten; Andrea Servert Alonso-Misol

Sonstiger Urheber: Clara Le Fort
2019 - Die Gestalten Verlag


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These alluring design hotels are changing the world of accommodation. Bon Voyage invites you to explore places fusing world-class hospitality with a sustainable approach.Make a difference when you travel. Excellent hospitality and sustainable journeys can go hand in hand. New getaways offer amazing design, delicious food and extraordinary experiences while committing to an eco-friendly experience for travellers and locals alike.From a remote lodge in the Namibian desert made from shipwrecks that protects endangered wildlife, to a restored hotel in downtown Hong Kong that draws on local tradition, or a guesthouse in Beirut where Lebanese women teach cooking and pass on family recipes for local dishes: no matter where or how, all these hotels combine the highest standards of hospitality with the smallest ecological footprint. Bon Voyage gives a privileged insight into the shift towards eco-conscious getaways. Relax, enjoy ... and make a positive impact!


The renowned travel journalist was co-editor of Once In a A Lifetime Vol.1 & Vol.2 and A Delicious Life. Specializing in luxury and sustainability, she is an editor for French and international publications (Les Echos, Madame Figaro, Wallpaper*...). She spends most of her time travelling to unspoiled locations where nature is preserved.


Titel: Bon Voyage
Untertitel:Boutique Hotels for the Conscious Traveler
Untertitel:Sonstiger Urheber: Clara Le Fort
Autor:Robert Klanten; Andrea Servert Alonso-Misol
Verlag: Die Gestalten Verlag
288 Seiten
266 mm x 217 mm
ISBN-13: 978-3-89955-963-7


inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.
Besorgungstitel, lieferbar voraussichtlich innerhalb von 14 Tagen
Versandkostenfrei in Österreich

€ 41,10


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